Brand New Revenue

Resources and events to support the creation of value for restautants, venues, plazas and more

Learn More about the BNR community

From nothing into something

Does your property contain any empty spaces like ones to the right?

While most don't think twice about such areas, they represent an opportunity to create brand new revenue for stakeholders. Whether those spaces are rented out or actively cultivated, what would otherwise be an empty section of concrete patch can instead be utilized to create direct revenue, indirect engagement and much more. The BNR community exists to highlight these opportunities and help stakeholders see them realized as Culture Monuments.

Stakeholders interested in creating new revenue opportunities at their locations or establishments have a vested interest in becoming part of the BNR community and attending an upcoming event. These connections and insights are specifically relevant and applicable to all different types of stakeholders and establishments including, but not limited to, the following:

  • restaurants
  • wineries
  • breweries
  • venues
  • specialty retail stores
  • commercial plazas
  • strip malls

Sign up to become part of this community and hear about the next event that's happening online or in person.


Books and beyond

Creating brand new revenue opportunities needs to be an active endeavor for business stakeholders but the specifics around what could be enabled at a given location can be difficult to envision. A series of books highlights how many individuals, organizations and entire communities have utilized monuments and landmarks to create these opportunities in direct and indirect ways.

No matter how stakeholders measure the return on such efforts, these books define what it can mean to create value through the creation of icons, experiences, memorials and more.

Click here for a reference.

Sign up to become part of this community and hear about the next event that's happening online or in person.


Education and connection

BNR events showcase what it means to enable engagement in otherwise empty space, how to cultivate identities that span communities and regions, what it means to open doors to collaborations that can extend across the eras and much more.

A few of the benefits of the event include:

  • education around what it means to create value
  • connections with contacts that can enable that value
  • support and ideas to enable everything you want to do

BNR events will grow and evolve based on the needs and feedback of an audience that wants define what it means to create new value with and for their business or location.

Sign up to become part of this community and hear about the next event that's happening online or in person.

Contact Us

Get in touch via email or on LinkedIn to learn more